RGED RGED / Cortical kidney bulk RNA Sequencing in the reversible unilateral ureter obstruction model.

Public on 2020-02-10


The kidney has limited capacity to regenerate following injury and preferentially repairs chronic injury with secreted extracellular matrix proteins. This can be a progressive process with functioning kidney tissue being replaced detrimentally with fibrotic scar tissue, ultimately leading to kidney failure. Using the reversible unilateral ureteric obstruction model, a model of reversable injury, we describe the transcriptomic changes that occur during obstructive renal injury and subsequent repair.

Overall Design

All animals used are male C57/blk mice. All aged 8-9 weeks at start, culled after 1 week, 2 weeks or 4 weeks. N=10 animals were used per group of which 4 were selected for RNA Seq study. Kidney injury is induced by UUO surgery by ligating the ureter. Reversal surgery allows reimplantation of ureter after 7 days of UUO and animals are culled 1, 2, and 4 weeks post reversal of injury during which time the kidney slowly repairs. Using the rUUO model for each timepoint (n=4/group) RNA library preparation was done via polyA selection. Sequencing was performed on the Illumina HiSeq2500 platform in High Output mode (V4 chemistry) with a total of at least 250 million reads per lane. GENEWIZ multiplexed 20 standard RNA libraries across 3 lanes of sequencing in 2x100bp PE configuration



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