RGED RGED / RNA-sequencing transcriptional profile of kidney capsule derived organ fibroblasts from adult mice [KidneyCapsule]

Public on 2021-05-28


Organ fibroblasts are essential components of homeostatic and diseased tissues, as they participate in sensing the microenvironment and communicating with other resident cells. They are also involved in pathological remodeling and fibrosis, caused by excessive deposition of connective tissue after injury, which impairs organ function. It is estimated that 45% of deaths in developed countries are linked to chronic fibrosis, yet current drugs on the market are both inefficient and non-specific to this condition. We have previously shown that cardiac fibroblasts display a unique cardiogenic identity, important for cardiac pathological remodeling. To determine whether fibroblasts from other organ systems display a molecular signature unique to their organ of origin, we characterized fibroblasts isolated from the adult mouse skin, lung, kidney, gonad and liver, and documented a molecular positional and organ signature that is likely a remnant from embryonic development. This information opens novel opportunities for the treatment of fibrotic diseases in a more precise, organ-specific manner.

Overall Design

RNA sequencing of primary cardiac fibroblast, kidney fibroblast, and tail fibroblast from culture and after being transplanted in kidney capsules. The experiment was performed in triplicate.



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