RNLS global knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice were used in the present study to establish a long-term CKD model (up to 18 weeks post-surgery) via 2-step 5/6 Nx, and we observed the role of RNLS by over-expressing it using a cardiac-specific adeno-associated virus (AAV). 2-weeks post-surgery, we injected AAV9-cTnT-RNLS or vector to WTor KO CKD mice by tail vein and the hearts were harvested at week 18. Then RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis was performed to explore the underlying molecular mechanism.
Overall Design
Cardiac mRNA profiles of wild type (WT) and Rnls -/- CKD mice, wild type (WT) and Rnls -/- CKD mice +AAV9-cTnT-RNLS, and WT sham.